Home God is a Good Father Devotional God is a Good Father: Proverbs 2:1 – 11

God is a Good Father: Proverbs 2:1 – 11


Today, we dive into the hidden treasure of Proverbs 2:1-11. Lee Strobel provides excellent insight in The Case for Christ Study Bible.

Jesus is wisdom Incarnate. As the Word of God, he is the very nature of truth (see John 1:1,14). Because Jesus came from God and is one with him, he embodies the spirit of truth and wisdom. Jesus is called “wisdom from God” (First Corinthians 1: 30), and in him are hidden “all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Colossians 2:3). Jesus himself said that he is more significant than Solomon, who composed much of the book of Proverbs and whose wisdom the queen of Sheba came to listen to (see Matthew 12:42).

Strobel inspired me to hunt for the name of Jesus—fully God and fully man—on every page of my Bible. God’s promise to all humanity amazed me. To visualize Christ coming as a baby in a manger, growing up, and feeling all the pain, hardship, anger, and temptations we face daily. Yet Jesus overcame those temptations and loved us so much He was willing to suffer and die on the Cross so you and I could have everlasting life! How Glorious is that? So it made “finding Jesus” inside the pages of God’s Word a joy and something fun I could do, like a puzzle that began anew every morning or evening when I longed to find Him, my friend, my comfort, my wise counsel, once again. He was right there beside me, waiting. We have full access to our Good Father, who gives wisdom and knowledge generously to all who ask. He loves to provide his children with good gifts.

As you read Proverbs 2:1-11, notice the hidden treasure in verse four.

Read the verses here

One of my favorite gift books that helps me understand the concept of hidden treasure is His Princess: Love Letters from Your King by Sherry Rose Shepherd. Shepherd talks about purity and treasuring your body, yet it can also refer to how Jesus is our treasure and God’s wisdom, as we learned from Strobel, and how Jesus adores our souls; hearts, minds, and bodies are His. God treasures us and desires that we follow Him so he can give us the spiritual wisdom of the Father.

For many years, I tucked Shepherd’s tiny book inside my car to remind me how much Jesus loved me, especially during times of hardship, pain, lack of confidence, or anger when my parents divorced, and I grew up without a father. In those times, I searched the Scriptures for the hidden treasure of Jesus because I read in Psalm 27:10 that even if my father or mother forsake me, God can always be counted on to be there, right by my side. Shepherd’s precious words encouraged me to direct my gaze to the Bright and Morning Star of Revelation 22:16—Jesus Christ—the Lion of Judah and offspring of David! In those moments, I looked up toward the faithful moral compass of my life.

We can never hide from God. He knew us even when we were in our mother’s womb, and whenever I feel alone or discouraged, I play various versions of the song “His Eye Is on the Sparrow” to remind me how much God loves me. You may find this encouraging song helpful as well! It will help focus our attention on a loving heavenly father—a personal God who loves us dearly and hopes we follow Him. We can have a more peaceful, safe, and happier life in His arms.

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